Chapter One: the Courtesy Call
Part One
In the beginning of the game you wake up in a small room that looks like a hotel. A computer speaks with you, asking you to complete tasks to get your basic controls down. After that you go back to bed. When you wake up again, it looks like you've been asleep a while and the computer's voice dies almost as soon as it starts talking to you.
Once it does a small machine named Wheatly outside the door starts speaking to you. Approach the door to let him in. He disappears into the ceiling and comes back down after a breif momnt. He asks you to speak with him. You can't. Follow the instructions on the screen.
The room will start moving and fall apart. You can't fall out so feel free to do whatever. Once the far side of the room is completely broken off, you can jump off and onto a glass floor which breaks and drops you into a room that looks very punch like the beginning of the first portal. The computer will start talking to you, and a portal will open. Walk through it and to the left to the first testing chamber. There is a trophy/acheivement for looking at all vitirified test chamber doors. There are 19 of them. You can begin now by looking at the onve that is immediately to the right of you as you exit the portal.
The first test is very simple. Pick up the block with square or X and place it on the button to keep the door open. Exit test chamber and proceed to the elevator. In the next test chamber there are three buttons that open portal to three rooms that you can see through glass. First, press the one to the right of the entrace, go through the portal, and retrieve the block. Push the button tho the left second, take the block with you through the portal, and place it on the button. Then push the button in the far center to open the portal to the exit.
When you enter the next cha,ber, Wheatly reunites with you and tells you to grab you portal gun that is located in the center of the room. When you approach it, you fall through. Luckily, the gun is undamaged. Otherwise there would be no Portal 2! grab the gun up ahead. Once you do, an orange portal opens above a railing. make a blue portal anywhere on the white wall to get to it. You will go through a series of rooms and end up in a hallway with an orange portal across a pit. Create a blue portal next to you and go though it, then create another blue portal across the secnd pit to your left.
At the next testing area they accomadate the increasing difficulty with jazz. To solve this chamber, aim your gun at the block which is in the pit on the right side of the room. it will fall through and out of the orange portal that is located next to the button at the beginning of the chamber.
In the next testing room, there are two raised platforms, first create a blue portal you can walk through so that you are on one of theses floors. Second, create a blue portal on the floor across from you, with the block. Go through the portal, grab the block, drop down, and place it on the button. Getting the secon block is much like the first one. It is located at the buttom of a pit in the back of the room. Create a blue portal underneat it. It should have enough velocity to fall off the raised platform. It case it doesn't, create another blue portal you can pass through to get to it, grab, and place it on the other button. Once you leave the completed chamber, you are stuck in a room with a glass ceiling. Create a blue portal on the floor or wall. you will fall from the ceiling higher up, breaking the glass ceiling and land on a ledge that leads out.
In the next area, things get a bit more complicated. To begin, press the button that dispenses a cube. Then head to the right, where the cube is. create a portal underneath it. The cube will turn up close to the button you need to put it on. The button creates a staircase. Walk up this staircase and to the two buttons on the ledge. First, create a portal on the angled ledge to your left. Push the button on your left, then imediately afterwards, puch the one on your right. This dispenses a cube that will fall through the portal you created, then hit a wall the second button lifted. drop down off the ledge to grab the cube and walk back up the staircase to place it on the second button and complete the test.
To complete the next test, you will need to create a portal at the bottom of the pit located in the center of the room. fall through it and you will land on the other side. Now you can't create portals through glass, so you'll need to walk to the left, and shoot a portal under the cube though th hole. It will fall on the other side of the room. get back to the other side as well and create a portal at the bottom of the pit again. Then grab the cube and fall through with it.
The next chamber is similliar but a bit more difficult. The fixed, orange portal is located at the bottom of the pit you will have to fall through. The first blue portal you will need to create to create will be on the angled platform to your left. A trick to making sure you don't miss the portal is to look at it the entire time you fall. Once you land safely near the cube, create a portal along the same wall as the door you entered from. This should be the wall opposite you. Create it in the lower or upper left corner. It doesn't matter at this point. Grab the cube and fall through the orang portal again. You should land on a ledge next to a glass wall revealing a button. walk around and place the cube on the button. Now your placement of the portal should matter. Make sure it is on the upper part of the white wall, and in the center. Fall through the orange portal once more, and you will have completed the test.
After thise test, you are once again reunited with Wheatly. Moments of the game with him are usually easier because he tries to guide you. Create a portal on the white wall behind him as he says and reunite with your robotic friend. Wheatly disengages himself from the rail he has been connected to and instructs you to place him on a stick protruding from the wall. This is located relatively close to where he falls. once he is connected you must turn around for at least a full second for him to unlock a secret panel. Pick him back up and enter it. Comntinue down the walkway and past a turret. After a loading screen, you continue again until you come along to GLADoS.Pass her and walk downstairs, jumping when you come to the end. You end up in the main breaker room. After Wheatly talks for a bit, plug him into the center. He messes up whatever he was tring and the room begins to lift. Despite his efforts to correct himself, he ends up waking GLADoS.
Its back to the testing chambers for you!
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